DRA --> User's guide


The DRA options are specified on the Profile string. This string is part of the PROFILE runtime option of Language Environment. The syntax of the PROFILE runtime option is: PROFILE(ON,"string").

Each DRA option is specified on the Profile string as a keyword followed by an operand that is enclosed in a pair of parenthesis, as follows; keyword(operand). If a particular option doesn't have an operand then the keyword is followed by a pair of parenthesis enclosing a null string, as follows; keyword(). Multiple options are separated by a comma or a blank.

Option: used when...
TRACE trace messages should be issued during runtime
TIME time measurements should be taken (cpu,wait)
MAIN the main program should be analysed
DLL DLL's should be analyzed (optionally specify which one)
FUN only certain functions should be analyzed (specify which ones)
EDC certain C functions should be traced (malloc,calloc,realloc,free)
HOOK debug hooks should be activated (entry, exit, call, return)
XPLINK xplink conversions should be counted.
TREE the call hierarchy should be traced.
MEM language specific events should be traced.